Kosher kitchen and restaurant 

in the Synagogue building in Belgrade.

The meals are served Mon-Fri 1pm - 3pm

  hrana02.jpg (78627 bytes)  hrana03.jpg (108071 bytes)  hrana05.JPG (102871 bytes)

When in Belgrade, you can reserve your meal a day in advance at telephone  011 303 6156  - by 16h

Kitchen will be closed in 2007 the following days:



15. July  to 15. August - summer vacation

Gedaljin post

Jom Kipur


The entrance to the building was recently renovated, so that security is present and appearance is pleasant.

PA280002.JPG (73035 bytes) PA290028.JPG (104669 bytes)PA290029.JPG (86618 bytes)   you can recognize the building by two large Magen-Davids on the gates.


The address:

M.Birjuzova 19