Sta je filosemitizam?  Istorijska, psiholoska i filozofska studija o prijateljstvu prema Jevrejima!

Svi znaju sta je antisemitizam, mrznja i neprijateljstvo prema Jevrejima.  Ali, postoji takodje i suprotno osecanje, filosemitizam - prijateljstvo prema Jevrjima.  Ova serija predavanja ce istraziti fenomen filosemitizma kroz  jevrejsku istoriju. Ona istrazuje one situacije u kojima su drugi narodi ponudili svoje prijateljstvo Jevrejima i razmatra uticaj koji je to imalo na formiranje jevrejskog identiteta.

Seminar se sastoji iz tri dela i odrzace se tokom tri veceri.

26.02 Privi deo: Jevreji kao predmet afektacije u starim i srednjim vekovima.  Sta kaze Tora i druge svete knjige o odnosima izmedu Jevreja i ne-Jevreja?  Da li su nam se drugi narodi ikada divili ili zeleli da budu prijatelji sa nama i sta kazu na sve to rabini?

4.03 Drugi deo: filosemitizam u moderno doba.  Kakav je bio uticaj obecanja emancipacije i jednakosti u odnosu izmedju Jevreja i ne-Jevreja?  Fokusirajuci se na istoriju Jevreja u Nemackoj i SAD, istrazujemo znacenje  pojma "moderno" prijateljstvo izmedju Jevreja i ne-Jevreja. 

11. 03 Treci deo: slucaj Srbije.  Kakvu ulogu je igralo prijateljstvo izmedu Jevreja i ne-Jevreja u istoriji Srbije i kakvu ulogu ima danas? Zavrsna diskusija ce podrazumevati istrazivanje  dokumenata koji dokazuju srpsko-jevrejsko prijateljstvo ali reflektuju i znacenje filosemitizma u celini.


David Pickus

Honors Faculty Fellow: Arizona State University/Barrett, The Honors College at ASU


Post-Doc., Center for Advanced Studies, University of Leipzig, Research Grant, summer, 1996

Ph.D. in History, University of Chicago, 1995
Dissertation:  (Defended with Distinction):  “Dying with an Enlightening Fall: Poland in the Eyes of German Intellectuals, 1764-1800”

M.A. in History, University of Chicago, 1989
Thesis:  “Hegel and India: A Study in Absolute Subjectivity”

B.A. in History, Lawrence University, Appleton, WI, 1987
Graduated Cum Laude                   



Book             Dying with an Enlightening Fall: Poland in the Eyes of German Intellectuals, 1764-1800, Lexington Books/Rowman and Littlefield (2000) 

Articles         “At Home and at War with Germany: Walter Kaufmann’s American Nietzsche,” in The Fruits of Exile: Central European Intellectual Immigration to America, ed. Richard Bodek (forthcoming, University of South Carolina Press)

“Walter Kaufmann and the Future of the Humanities,” Journal of Thought, (forthcoming, winter 2007)

“German Intellectuals, Poland and the Enlightenment,” Germany and the East, ed. Charles Ingrao (Purdue University Press, 2007)

“Wishes of the Heart: Walter Kaufmann, Karl Jaspers and Nietzsche Scholarship,” Journal of Nietzsche Studies  (2007) Vol. 33, 5-24

“Jewish Nietzscheanism: Walter Kaufmann’s Critique of Christianity,” Jewish Studies Quarterly (March, 2007) Vol. 1

“The Walter Kaufmann Myth: A Study in Academic Public Opinion”

                       Nietzsche-Studien, Berlin: Walter De Gruyter, (2003) Vol. 32, 226-58

“Overeducated and Underemployed: On Learned Women, Hegel and Beautiful Souls Circa 1805” in Genie-Satire und Frauenerziehung. Zwei Studien und zwei literarische Dokumente, (March 2003) ed. Phillip McKnight, Wehrhahn, Hannover, 7-36.

 “To Discover A Mind: Walter Kaufmann’s Celebration of Goethe, Critique of Kant and Evisceration of Heidegger” (Summer-Fall, 1999) South-Central Review, Vol.16, 68-90

“When the World was Half a Thousand Years Younger: Contrast and Color in Huizinga’s Autumn of the Middle Ages” (Winter 1998) Fifteenth-Century Studies, vol. 25, 127-36

                     “Georg Forster and Therese Huber: An Enlightened Dysfunctional Marriage” Selected Papers of  the Consortium on Revolutionary Europe, 1750-1850 (1998)


                                    “Might, Right and Poland: The 'Other' Revolutionary Challenge” selected Papers of the Consortium on

                        Revolutionary Europe, 1750-1850 (1995).


Conference Papers and Invited Lectures (1997-2007):


April 2007            “Not Another Other: Rethinking the German Image of Poland,” Polish-German Post/Memory: Aesthetics, Ethics, Politics, Indiana University


March 2007          “German-Jewish Intellectuals and the Idea of Totalitarianism,” Invited Talk, Department of History, Augustana College, Rock Island, IL


March 2006          “Walter Kaufmann and the Future of the Humanities,” American Comparative Literature Association, Princeton, NJ


Sept. 2005            “From Leo Baeck to Walter Kaufmann: Courage and the Jewish Critique of Christianity,” Seventeenth Conference of Midwest Jewish Studies, Madison, WI


Feb. 2005               “Christianity in German-Jewish Eyes,” Invited Talk, Department of Religion, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ


Nov. 2004           “Walter Kaufmann as an Intellectual Émigré,” Fruits of Exile Conference, College of Charleston, Charleston, SC


April 2004          “Walter Kaufmann’s Critique of Christianity,” Invited Talk, Department of History, University of Arizona


March 2004        “Hannah Arendt, Violence and the David Story,” Western Jewish Studies Conference, San Diego, CA


Oct. 2003            “Existentialism’s Critical Enthusiast,” Invited Workshop Presentation, University of Virginia


Oct. 2003            “Nietzsche for the 21st-Century,” Invited Talk, James Madison University


April 2003          “Telling a Story: Walter Kaufmann and the Reception of Existentialism in America,” Invited Workshop Presentation, University of Chicago


March 2003        “Walter Kaufmann and Martin Buber: an Unexplored Dynamic,” Western Jewish Studies Conference, Eugene, OR


Oct. 1999            “The Ends of Impudence: J.C.F. Schubart and the Limits of Anti-Authoritarian Speech,” German Studies Association Conference, Atlanta, GA


April 1999          “The Learned Woman who Forgot her Sex: Thinking Women in Germany Circa 1805,” Southwest Social Sciences Conference, San Antonio, TX


Oct. 1998            “Hard Lives of the Mind: On Writing Biographies of 18th Century                                  Intellectuals,” The 23rd Colloquium on Literature and Film, Representing               Identities: Biography and Autobiography, Morgantown, WV


April 1998          “The Higher Groveling: Lessing on Friendship and Money,” American Society for      Eighteenth Century Studies, South Bend, IN


March 1998        “Georg Forster and Therese Huber: An Enlightened Dysfunctional Marriage,”

                                         The Consortium on Revolutionary Europe, Tallahassee, FL


April 1997          “Perfect Selflessness is Perfect Selfishness: Madame Guyon and the Unlikely Origins of Introspection in Enlightenment Germany,” The International Conference on Narrative, Gainesville, FL


            Feb. 1997           “A Room of his Own: Johann Christoph Adelung Writes the History of                               

                   Culture,” The Consortium on Revolutionary Europe, Baton Rouge, LA




Arizona State University, 1999 – present  Honors Faculty Fellow,  Courses:

·          The Human Event I & II:  Interdisciplinary Humanities Seminar

·          The Modern Middle East: Conflicting Perspectives

·          Power and Powerlessness in Modern Jewish History

·          Jewish Life and Culture in East-Central Europe

·          Jews and Germans: Reflections in a Broken Mirror

·          Freedom and its Opposite in Modern German History

·          Liberty: The French Idea of Freedom

·          Memory and Identity in the Modern Mediterranean

·          Graduate Tutorial in 18th-century German Intellectual History

·          The Modern Middle East: Conflict, Complexity, Debate

·          China and the West: 1620 to the Present


James Madison University

            Assistant Professor, 1996-1999


·          Image Community and Terror:  German Culture in a Generation of War, 1914-45

·          Freedom and Self-Deception I & II:  An Interpretation of European Intellectual History, 1750-1970

·          The Enlightenment and its Others

·          World Civilization I:  to 1650; World Civilization II:  Since 1650


University of Chicago

            Von Holst Graduate Lecturer, 1995:

·         Order, Truth and Freedom:  German Intellectual History in the 18th Century




2007-08 Fulbright Scholar in Belgrade, Serbia; nine-month research project on Serbian philo-Semitism and teaching US history at the University of Belgrade


Participant 2006-2007 Ford Foundation Workshop on “Difficult Dialogues,” or teaching controversial topics in religion and politics to undergraduates


Participant 2005 NEH Summer Seminar “Terror and Culture: Revisiting Hannah Arendt’s Origins of Totalitarianism” Stanford University, Russell Berman, Director


Course Development Grant, Jewish Studies Department, Arizona State University, 2004

Research in Germany and on German topics for course “Germans and Jews: Reflections in a Broken Mirror”


Drescher Faculty Development Grant Recipient, 2002, 2004, 2007.  Awarded at the Barrett Honors College, Arizona State University for research into the life and work of Walter Kaufmann, and for Serbian/Croatian language study


Course Development Grant, Jewish Studies Department, Arizona State University, 2001

Research in Israel for course, “Power and Powerlessness in Modern Jewish History”


Drescher Faculty Development Grant Recipient, 2001

Awarded at the Barrett Honors College, Arizona State University for intensive summer Italian language study at Dilit Institute, Rome


Drescher Faculty Development Grant Recipient, 2000

Awarded at the Barrett Honors College, Arizona State University for intensive summer Hebrew language study at Hebrew University, Jerusalem

“Favorite Teacher” Recognition at Arizona State University, 2000-01 Awarded by Manzanita Student Residents

Uriel Weinreich Yiddish Language Program Scholarship Recipient, 1998

YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, Nominee for Teacher of the Year, 1998

Awarded by the College of Arts and Letters, Pan-Hellenic Council, James Madison University

Honorary Member for Outstanding Teaching, 1997, Golden Key National Honor Society

Von Holst Prize Lectureship awarded for self-designed course, “Order, Truth and Freedom, “at the University of Chicago, 1994

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) dissertation research grant, Berlin, October 1992-October 1993, extended to January 1994


Study Abroad:

China, Co-Director, Five-Week Study Tour, Summer 2007-2008

Athens, Rome, Dubrovnik, Director and Faculty, ASU Honors Program 2002-2003, 2005

Romania and central Europe, ASU Program, co-director 2004

Athens, Rome, Tunis, Faculty, ASU Honors Program, 2001

Paris 2000, Faculty, ASU Honors Program, 2000


German:  near fluent reading and highly proficient speaking knowledge

Hebrew:  very good reading and speaking knowledge

Yiddish:  very good reading knowledge

Serbian/Croatian/Bosnian: good reading and speaking knowledge

Italian:  reading and basic speaking knowledge

French:  reading and basic speaking knowledge

Polish and Romanian:  elementary knowledge


Consultant and participant, A History of God, TV documentary based on the Karen Armstrong book, A & E Television Network, Inflo-media, Chicago, IL