Spomenik Austrijskim Zrtvama

Kladovski transport

[click to enlarge the photo]

Prica o zrtvama i spomeniku [1] The story about the monument and victims [2]

Spomenik za stradale Jevreje iz tzv. Kladovskog transporta.

Grupa od oko 1200 Jevreja je krajem 1939. krenula Dunavom iz Beča i Bratislave ka Crnom moru sa namerom da se useli u Palestinu. Međutim, kako nisu dobili dozvolu za prelaz preko rumunskog dela Dunava, njihovo putovanje je zaustavljeno nakon manje od mesec dana na granici Jugoslavije i Rumunije. Sve do septembra 1940. ove jevrejske izbeglice boravile su u Kladovu, da bi potom bile prebačeni u Šabac. Po okupaciji Jugoslavije gotovo svi su stradali. Muškarci su 1941. streljani u blizini sela Zasavica, a žene sa decom su prebačene u logor na Starom sajmištu.

S obzirom na to da su u ovom „transportu“ bili pre svega austrijski Jevreji, uz manji broj onih iz Čhoslovače i Poljske, Jevrejska zajednica Beč je 1952. izrazila želju da se posmrtni ostaci onih koji su sahranjeni u selu Zasavica prenesu u Beč Pošto postupak oko dobijanja dozvole za prenos u Austriju diplomatskim putem nakon višegodišnjih  pregovora nije uspeo, bečka opština je 1959. pristala da se, posle ekshumacije, kosti stradalih iz Zasavice prebace u Beograd. Takođe je odlučeno, u saradnji sa Savezom jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije, da se sahrana obavi na beogradskom Jevrejskom groblju. Datum osvećenja grobnice simbolično je izabran. Planirano je da to bude 9. novembra, na dan kada se u Nemačkoj 1938, a potom i u Austriji, desio veliki pogrom Jevreja, poznat pod nazivom Kristallnacht.
Do realizacije ovog plana nije došlo jer poslovi oko iskopavanja tela nisu izvršeni na vreme, tako da je sahrana posmrtnih ostataka 900 žrtava izvršena tek 27. decembra 1959. Sledeći korak je bilo podizanje memorijala nad zajedničkom grobnicom. Za idejno rešenje je angažovan beogradski arhitekta Anri Mešulam. Autor se odlučio za čist geometrijski izraz, kojem nije potreban višeslojan plastični narativ da bi postigao snažan emotivni efekat. Spomenik je svečano otkriven 1. novembra 1964.

This is a memorial dedicated to the memory of the Holocaust victims – the Jews of the ill-fated Kladovo Transport.

A group of 1,200 Jews left Vienna and Bratislava in late 1939 to travel to the Black Sea, with the aim of reaching Palestine. However, less than a month into the voyage their journey was interrupted at the Yugoslav border after they were denied entry into Romania. The Jewish refugees stayed in the town of Kladovo until September 1940, when they were taken to Šabac. After the Nazi Germany occupied Yugoslavia, nearly all of them were killed – men were shot in 1941 near the village of Zasavica, and women and children perished in Staro Sajmište concentration camp, in Belgrade.

Given that the majority of them were from Austria, and the rest from Czechoslovakia and Poland, in 1952 the Jewish Community of Vienna asked to retrieve the remains of those buried in Zasavica village. When this proved impossible following repeated diplomatic efforts over several years, in 1959 the Vienna Community authorized the relocation of the remains from Zasavica to Belgrade. It was also decided, in cooperation with the Federation of Jewish Communities of Yugoslavia, to have them buried in the Belgrade Jewish cemetery. A symbolic consecration of the grave was set for November 9, the anniversary of the notorious pogroms in Germany and Austria, known as the Kristallnacht

However, this plan was thwarted due to a delay in the conduction of exhumation, and the remains of 900 people were laid to rest on December 27, 1959. The next step was to dedicate a memorial over a mass grave, and Belgrade architect Anri Mešulam was hired to do the design. He opted for a strictly geometrical expression whose minimalistic forms generate a strong emotional effect. Mešulam’s memorial was dedicated on November 1, 1964.

Prenosimo iz Die Gemainde 1960  


JO Beograd je zapocela proces restauracije spomenika. Fotografije snimljene 2020.
JC Belgrade has started the procedure for reconstruction of the monument - photographs taken in 2020.


Zavod za zastitu spomenika je utvrdio uslove za preduzimanje mera tehnicke zastite:

The Culture Monuments Protection Office of City of Belgrade, stipulated Measures of Technical Protection Requirements 


[1] Barbara Panić, "SPOMENIČKO – MEMORIJALNI KOMPLEKS JEVREJSKOG GROBLJA U BEOGRADU" izd. Jevrejski istorijski muzej Saveza jevrejskih opština Srbije, 2018 [link]

[2] Barbara Panić, "BURIAL GROUND COMPLEX OF THE JEWISH CEMETERY IN BELGRADE" published by Jewish Historical Museum of the Federation of Jewish communities of Serbia, 2018 bilingual publication  [link]

Dana 18. aprila 2023. slikane su ove fotografije na spomeniku K. T.

