The Archives of the Jewish Historical Museum


 The Jewish Historical Museum has a relatively rich archives consisting of about 1000 meters in length of material. The archives include material related to the life and work of the Federation and individual communities of former Yugoslavia from the time before the WW2, Jewish pre-war press, materials related to anti-Semitism and the Holocaust, and a wealth of materials related to the Federation and Jewish communities in the period since 1945, as well as chemerotheca.

Apart from documentation and photo-documentation, the archives include two data bases - of victims of the Holocaust from the whole territory of former Yugoslavia, and the Jewish registry books of Belgrade. Having in its possession this kind of archives implies that the Jewish Historical Museum has an ongoing and very dynamic cooperation with numerous researchers of different professional profiles, nationally and internationally.

The Museum also cooperates with national and international museums and provides different forms of information, exchanges publication and photographs, participates in exhibitions organized and staged by other museums, and in some cases copies of exhibits owned by our Museum are exhibited in standings exhibitions in international museums, (Memorial Holocaust Museum in Washington, Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin, etc.).

One of the кеу tasks within the archive activities in the Museum since 1998 was intensive search and collection of data and verification of data concerning Jews victims of the Holocaust. Based on these data, manу of the Holocaust survivors exercised their right to compensation from Germany (through the Claims Conference).
